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作者:用户投稿 来源:品展下载站 时间:2024-01-18 16:40:02

Title: Trails of Cold Steel Game Guide


Welcome to the game guide for "Trails of Cold Steel!" In this guide, we will provide you with essential tips and strategies to navigate through the game successfully. Let's embark on an exciting journey through the world of Erebonia.

1. Understand the Battle System:

Trails of Cold Steel features a unique turn-based battle system called the "Tactical Link System." It is crucial to understand this system to gain an advantage in battles. Make sure to utilize the following tactics:

a) Positioning: Rearrange your party members' positions on the battlefield strategically. Place physically strong characters in the front row and ranged or magic-based characters in the back row.

b) Tactical Links: Form bonds between characters to enable powerful follow-up attacks and access their unique abilities. Experiment with different character combinations to unleash devastating combos.

c) Arts and Crafts: Learn to balance the use of Arts (magical abilities) and Crafts (special skills) for efficient combat. Arts are effective against magical enemies, while Crafts deal increased damage to physical foes.

2. Complete Side Quests:

Don't miss out on side quests! They provide valuable rewards, character development, and additional backstory. Keep an eye out for NPCs with exclamation marks above their heads, indicating new quests. Completing side quests not only increases your party's strength but also provides a deeper understanding of the game's lore.

3. Thoroughly Explore:

Erebonia is a vast and immersive world waiting to be discovered. Take your time to explore every nook and cranny, as hidden treasures, rare items, and additional content await. Interact with NPCs, read books, and examine your surroundings to uncover hidden secrets and enhance your gaming experience.

4. Develop Social Links:

Interact with your classmates and other NPCs regularly to strengthen your relationships. Building social links enhances character abilities, unlocks additional quests, and provides valuable information. Attend optional bonding events to deepen connections with your classmates and uncover their unique stories.

5. Customize Your Orbment:

The Orbment system plays a crucial role in character progression. Allocate different types of Quartz to your characters' Orbments to enhance their attributes, learn new abilities, and gain access to powerful spells. Experiment with various combinations to adapt to different combat situations.

6. Time Management:

Efficient time management is key to success in "Trails of Cold Steel." Prioritize completing main story missions while allocating enough time for side quests, exploring, and bonding events. Stay organized and plan your days wisely to make the most out of your limited time.


With this game guide, you are equipped with essential tips and strategies to conquer "Trails of Cold Steel." Remember to understand the battle system, complete side quests, explore thoroughly, develop social links, customize your Orbment, and manage your time effectively. Now, go forth and embark on an epic adventure in the world of Erebonia!
